So much has already been said to women about the importance of maintaining a a healthy lifestyle. Time management gets in the way for so many of us. Yet the commitment to a regular aerobic fitness workout can not only save you the time and money and emotion wasted on heart attacks, strokes and other ailments, but it adds years of quality time to your life. Think of all of the time and happiness wasted being inactive and overweight! The precious time spent on workout routines for women at the gym is an excellent investment in a better and longer life.
What Exactly is Aerobics?
Aerobics refers to any movement that gets the heart beating faster and gets more blood and oxygen pumping to all parts of the body. It strengthens the heart muscle and improves circulation and stamina. Calculating the optimal heart rate for your age and ability is important in order to receive the most benefit from aerobic workouts. If the heart does not work hard or long enough, there is little good coming from the exercise, but if the heart is worked too hard it is dangerous. This is especially true if it has been awhile since you have exercised, if you are over 35, are diabetic or a heavy smoker. Talk to your doctor and get well informed before taking on aerobic fitness workout. Once you learn the best way to exercise for your particular needs, you can begin to improve your life in more ways than you can even imagine.
Improve Your Heart Health and More
Your heart is a fist sized muscle that can become weak without exercise. Getting an aerobic workout in will give your heart more oxygen and reduce its resting heart rate. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels will also improve. A healthy heart means the risk of heart attack and stroke are lowered.
The heart is not the only organ that will love you for regular aerobic workouts. The lungs, muscles and brain love oxygen too. Your memory and immune system are strengthened along with improved digestion. Aerobic activities as simple as walking can ward off osteoporosis and improve bone health, posture and strength. With aerobic fitness, the body can also better withstand injury and fractures when becomes increasingly important as you age.
Look and Feel Better
Aerobic workouts will also give you a bounce in your step. You will learn firsthand that exercise really does bump up energy levels and elevates your mood. Stamina improves with every attempt, and the endorphins that are released in the brain during exercise create feelings of happiness and even euphoria. For more information about getting aerobically fit visit this popular site How would you like to feel fantastic?
Be sure and take a good look in the mirror after a workout. The sweat and hard breathing are helping to detoxify your body. Your circulation and posture are immediately improved. Very soon the mirror will be showing you leaner more toned muscles and a smaller waistline.
Make a plan! Walk. Ride. Join a class. Buy a DVD. Run with the dog. There are so many paths to aerobic fitness, and there are NO good excuses. Get serious about getting healthy, feeling happy, and looking great!